Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council

*** SAMPLE ***
February 15, 1996
This workplan lays out the issues that will be addressed and the process that will be used to develop a plan for GIS applications in Washington County. It is intended to be used to gain agreement from the participants on what will be accomplished during the process and how it will be accomplished.
Definition of Geographic Information System
A system of hardware, software, data, people, organizations, and institutional arrangements for collecting, storing, analyzing, and disseminating information about areas of the earth. (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and American Congress on Surveying and Mapping).
The GIS planning process will result in a plan to fully integrate geographic information system technology into the detailed operations of the County. The plan will address management, resources, organization, and communication issues. The Plan will:
- create a framework that allows for county-wide access to the various land-related data bases in a timely manner for decision making;
- create an organizational structure, procedures, and standards to assure that geographic data can be shared easily and quickly;
- ensure the integrity and consistency of data within the county; assign data management;
- clarify maintenance responsibilities; and
- establish policy governing external access to county data and applications.
The Plan will coordinate the current capabilities with ongoing development of G.I.S. technology
within the County.
Vision Statement
A future where geographic information system technology allows natural resources, land parcels, and other spatial data to be fully integrated and widely used.
Mission Statement
To support, coordinate and promote the development of geographic information systems technology to best serve the business needs of Washington County.
- The geographic information system will be managed as a county asset, not a department asset.
- Data is a resource of the County and the use of data is a strategic issue.
- Little data is geocoded, although some files contain parcel numbers or other locational information.
- Demand for County data is growing from both within and outside the organization.
- The primary purpose of the G.I.S. technology is to manage and analyze geographic information, not to produce maps.
Policy Team
- At least one representative from each functional group.
- Deputy Administrator, Chair
- Court Services
- Health, Environment and Land Management
- Information Services
- Public Works
- Sheriff
- Surveyor
- Provide policy direction.
- Make organizational recommendations.
- Make cost allocation recommendations.
- Ensure cooperation and participation from all departments and external stakeholders.
- Request studies from the technical team and act on its recommendations.
Technical Team
- At lease one representative from each functional group. Additional members will be added as needed depending on the issues being discussed.
- GIS Manager, Chair
- Surveyor
- Health, Environment and Land Management
- Public Works
- Information Services
- Assessor
- Administration
- Conduct survey of user needs.
- Analyze issues requested by the Policy Committee and forward recommendations for approval.
- Define requirements needed to implement the strategy and policies.
- Determine hardware, software and data needs to implement the strategy and policies.
User Committee
- Any County or non-county staff who are users or who anticipate being users of geographic information system technology.
- GIS Manager, Chair
- To increase users proficiency through the sharing of information.
- To identify and forward issues to the technical and policy team.
Issues (listed in order to be addressed)
Policy Team
Internal Access(including Affiliated Agencies - SWCD, Extension, Libraries)
- geographic indicators such as parcel, address, geocode, area
- applications
- output format and devices
- Data management policies
- Priorities - external vs. internal
- Building awareness and acceptance
External Access
- Establish interest
- geographic indicators such as parcel, address, geocode, area
- applications
- output format
- Pricing
- Marketing
- service
- how much
- role of public vs. private sector
- Licensing
- Copyright
- Data practices implications and interpretation
- Building awareness and acceptance, appropriate use
Degree of Optimization
- What activities are automated - transactional, one-time applications
- Organizational needs
- Cost/benefit criteria - where is the best bang for the buck
- Information Technology Advisory Committee review
- Use for resource allocations
- Integration with other tools - GLITC, Internet, GPS
Organization and Staffing (geography, applications)
- Centralization vs. decentralization
- Level of resources (continuum)
- Resources for skills development
Ongoing Communication and Support
Technical Team
- Data Management - geography, data
- Creation and acquisition
- Maintenance
- Integration
- Security
- Integrity of data
- Standards
- Meta Data
- Storage
- Integration with other tools
- GLITC, Internet, GPS
- Compatibility/standards
- Skills Development and Enhancement
- System Configuration
Preparatory Work
Step 1
- February 29, 1996 Policy Team agrees on a County GIS planning process.
- April 11, 1996 Satellite Program: Implementing LIS in Local Government: Issues and Interfaces
- April 18, 1996 Department Head/Supervisor meeting - WORK PLAN, status of county GIS mapping and applications, GIS video
- Purpose: Increase awareness of the status of the County's geographic information system technology. Identify department head issues and concerns.
Step 2
- May 1996 Conduct a status/needs/benefits survey of each Department - via a questionnaire and interview sessions with teams of staff.
- Data needed (type and location) to carry out their responsibilities.
- Obstacles to being more effective.
- Data bases, software, and hardware they are currently using.
- What data is out there? Who has access? What is the cost?
- June 20, 1996 Review the results of the departmental needs assessment and interest survey.
- Purpose: To determine the possible future uses of the geographic information system technology in assisting departments with their work. To determine the most likely users of the technology and to establish application priorities.
Step 3
- Summer 1996 Conduct a status/needs/benefits survey of select organizations in Washington County via questionnaire, interview, focus groups, etc.
- Review the Governor's Council on GIS survey.

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