Raster Elevation Data and Shaded Relief Maps for Minnesota
Sources for raster elevation data and shaded relief maps are grouped by extent.
If you are looking for:
- Consistent resolution products for the whole state, go to the State section.
- Data beyond Minnesota, go to either the National or Global sections.
- See the Lidar webpage
- Hillshade layer (black-and-white image) added to MnGeo's WMS image service
- Graphic showing areas covered by the hillshade - the entire state is covered except for several large lakes.
Web mapping application: MnTOPO basemaps include color terrain and black-and-white terrain from the
2008-2012 lidar collection.
Updated terrain from the 2021-2025 lidar collection will be made available in a replacement to MnTOPO, which is currently in development.
See the lidar webpage for updates.
- Viewer, download files, and documentation on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons
National / Continental
National Map
The elevation layer of The National Map provides bare earth DEM layers in several resolutions.
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA,
SRTM obtained elevation data on a near-global scale using a specially modified radar system onboard the
Space Shuttle Endeavour in February 2000. The U.S. is covered by both 30-meter and 90-meter
resolution data.
- U.S. Shaded Relief Maps (The National Map, USGS)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
Near-global coverage is available at 90-meter resolution.
GTOPO30 (Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation)
Approximately 1-km resolution raster data derived from a variety of sources.
Hydrologically correct DEM derived from GTOPO30.
(NASA and Japan) entire archive available at no charge to all users
Each elevation measurement point in this digital elevation model is 30 meters apart. Stereo-pair images are produced by merging two slightly offset two-dimensional images to create the three-dimensional effect of depth.
Information Source Abbreviations:
CGIAR-CSI: Consultative Group for International
Agriculture Research - Consortium for Spatial Information
JPL: Jet Propulsion Lab
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NGA: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
USGS: United States Geological Survey