3DGeo Education Workgroup

Mission and Work Plan
- Mission: The Minnesota 3DGeo Education Workgroup of the 3D Geomatics Committee
identifies education and training needs for 3D Geomatics statewide to guide
curriculum content development. The group will also serve a collaborative role
among other 3DGeo workgroups and the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council to
ensure lidar education funding is attached to any future Minnesota lidar
- Workplan
- Recruit champions, co-chairs, membership
- Identify education and training needs for 3D Geomatics statewide
- Provide advice and support for 3D Geomatics educational opportunities statewide
- Explore the idea of a 3D Geomatics training opportunities website
- Collaborate with GAC Outreach Committee and other 3D Geo workgroups
Workgroup Membership
- Joel Nelson, GIS Specialist, University of Minnesota, Dept. of Soil,
Water and Climate,
612-625-9235, nels1945@umn.edu
Workgroup Members
Name | Organization | |
Jonathan Beck | Northland Community and Technical College | jonathan.beck@northlandcollege.edu |
Dylan Blumentritt | Winona State University | dblumentritt@winona.edu |
Kate Carlson | University of Minnesota | kbcarlso@umn.edu |
Wei-Hsin Fu | Carleton College | wfu@carleton.edu |
Catherine Hansen | MNIT Department of Natural Resources | catherine.hansen@state.mn.us |
Andra Mathews | Minnesota Department of Transportation | andra.mathews@state.mn.us |
Jason Menard | Lake Superior Consulting | jmenard@fastmail.com |
Joel Nelson | University of Minnesota | nels1945@umn.edu |
Aaron Peter | Board of Water and Soil Resources | aaron.peter@state.mn.us |
Lawrence Svien | Board of Water and Soil Resources | lawrence.svien@state.mn.us |
MnTOPO: A web application for viewing, printing and
downloading high-resolution elevation data for Minnesota collected using lidar
- Lidar info and
download page
for Minnesota lidar data and derived products, including links to
education and training resources.
Applications of Lidar: Training materials developed as part of
a project funded by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust
Fund (as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota
- Minnesota Elevation Mapping
Lidar data collection project, 2010-2012
Uses of lidar data
in Minnesota for protecting water quality
- Interim Guidance on Acquisition of Culvert Data (8/26/11): These guidelines are intended to improve the collection, sharing and exchange of information about the location and attributes of culverts in Minnesota. Culvert data is used to modify lidar-derived DEMs so that models of water flow across the landscape can correctly route water through culverts and thus under roads and bridges. Comments on the guidelines are welcome; please send to Sean Vaughn.
Hydrographic Position Index Technical Report:
Combining lidar-derived
DEM analysis, raster classification and color symbology for pseudo-3D
terrain visualization to enhance hydrography interpretation on the DEM
landscape, 10/7/2015 (draft)
Red River Basin Lidar-derived Products: Overview of available
products and those in development, 7/15/13 (PDF)
Lidar Education Survey results: These findings from a June
2011 survey are helping the workgroup understand the types of
training that Minnesota resource professionals need to facilitate their use of
elevation data collected using lidar technology.
- Glossary of Lidar-related Terms

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