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Contributing to Nationwide and Commercial Data Assets Ad-Hoc Committee

Committee Mission: To share local authoritative data with nationwide and commercial assets.



  1. Basemaps with authoritative data.
  2. Geocoding - Instead of several services can use one (statewide, national).
  3. Improved map accuracy for delivery and emergency response.
  4. General business planning.


  1. Processes for sharing authoritative data with national and commercial assets.
  2. Framework for sharing with new entities.
  3. Defined and documented data sharing outreach to authoritative data producers.
  4. Additional shared aggregated data availability.

 Most work will be done via email and online meetings. Face-to-face meetings will be held as needed and could be held in conjunction with one of the advisory council meetings.

Committee Leadership

Committee Membership

Charter, Accomplishments, and Workplan

Committee Meeting Minutes

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