Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup

A Workgroup of the 3D Geomatics Committee
Mission and Work Plan
- Mission: The Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup exists to promote the consistent development of Minnesota's hydrography data and to enable data exchange through coordination, cooperation and standards development.
- Fact sheet: Summary of the mission and work of the Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup
- Work Plan
Workgroup Membership
- Andrea Bergman, GIS Hydrologist, MNIT DNR, 651-259-5690, andrea.bergman@state.mn.us
- Rick Moore, Lidar Data Steward, MNIT DNR, 507-389-8810, rick.moore@state.mn.us
- Jamie Schulz, GIS Specialist, MNIT DNR, 507-206-2830, jamie.schulz@state.mn.us
Workgroup Members
- Short bios
- Contact information:
Name | Organization | |
Ann Banitt | Army Corps of Engineers | ann.m.banitt@usace.army.mil |
Andrea Bergman | MNIT Department of Natural Resources | andrea.bergman@state.mn.us |
Jen Crea | MNIT Pollution Control Agency | jennifer.crea@state.mn.us |
Matt Drewitz | Board of Soil and Water Resources | matt.drewitz@state.mn.us |
Thomas Hollenhorst | US Environmental Protection Agency | hollenhorst.tom@epa.gov |
Brandon Krumwiede | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | brandon.krumwiede@noaa.gov |
Rick Moore | MNIT Department of Natural Resources | rick.moore@state.mn.us |
Sarah Porter | USDA - Agricultural Research Service | sarah.porter@usda.gov |
Kiah Sagami | Houston Engineering, Inc. | ksagami@houstoneng.com |
Jamie Schulz | MNIT Department of Natural Resources | jamie.schulz@state.mn.us |
Sean Vaughn | MNIT Department of Natural Resources | sean.vaughn@state.mn.us |
Meeting Minutes
Workgroup meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Data Catalog
DEM Hydro-modification (formerly Breachline Database)
Foundational Hydrography Data Stewards
Lidar-derived Hydrography Subgroup
This group is creating an inventory of existing geospatial hydrography data used across Minnesota to help guide the development of new LiDAR-derived hydrography to better serve modern business needs.
This group is dedicated to developing the foundation for single, authoritative, digital dam breachline and hDEM datasets for Minnesota utilizing standards and methodology developed through collaboration with subject matter experts.
This group of technical data stewards keeps each other informed of updates, changes, development needs and collaboration opportunities in relation to the foundational data products they manage.
The Lidar-derived Hydrography Subgroup (LDH) of the 3DGeo Data Acquisition Workgroup is a team of hydrography data stewards, developers, managers, and users united as a 3DGeo community of practice that works to bring next generation hydrography, developed from lidar technology, to Minnesota.
Authoritative Statewide Datasets
Federal Datasets
State Datasets
- Watersheds
- MN Watercourses – MNDNR Hydrography - Streams with Kittle Numbers and Mile Measures
- MN Water Basins – MNDNR Hydrography - Lakes and Open Water
- National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
Data and Application Resources
- MnTOPO: A web application for viewing, printing and downloading high-resolution elevation data for Minnesota collected using lidar technology
- MN 1st Generation Lidar info and download page for Minnesota lidar data and derived products, including links to education and training resources
- MN 2nd Generation Lidar for information about the most recent MN lidar collect.
- US Interagency Elevation Inventory: A comprehensive, nationwide listing of known high-accuracy topographic and bathymetric data for the United States and its territories
- NOAA’s Data Access Viewer: The Data Access Viewer allows a user to search for and download elevation, imagery, and land cover data for the coastal U.S. and its territories.
- NOAA’s Lake Level Viewer: The data and maps in this tool illustrate the scale of potential flooding or land exposure at a given water level, not the exact location.
- USACE Dredge Survey and Map Data: Source for data acquired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers including boundary, topographic, hydrographic, terrestrial lidar, and multispectral and hyperspectral aerial imagery collection as well as airborne topographic and bathymetric lidar acquisition.
- Culvert Inventory Application Suite: The DNR Culvert Inventory Application Suite is comprised of 4 related components for the collection, storage, edit/review and distribution of stream crossings, culverts, bridges, and breach line data. It was developed by the MNDNR GeoSpatial Water Resources Team (GeoWRT) in partnership with DNR MNIT professional services staff. This application is available to DNR staff and external partners (free registration required).
- MN DNR Basins and Watersheds: A standardized set of watersheds was developed by the DNR in 1979. This Watershed Mapping Project delineated 81 Major Watersheds covering the state and around 5600 Minor Watersheds that comprised these Major Watersheds.
Project Resources
- Hydromodified DEM status map: A story map created by Houston Engineering, Inc. to show the status of DEM hydroconditioning and product development for the PTMApp application (a tool to prioritize, target and measure best management and conservation practices to improve water quality).
Document Resources
- Interim Guidance on Acquisition of Culvert Data
- Hydrographic Position Index Technical Report: Combining lidar-derived DEM analysis, raster classification and color symbology for pseudo-3D terrain visualization to enhance hydrography interpretation on the DEM landscape
- Glossary of Lidar-related Terms
- 2008 National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIEN) Project Report, June 2014: This report explored integrating the multiple statewide hydrography datasets of Minnesota.
A list of Standards and Guidelines available through the Standards Committee of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council web page
Hydrography Project Examples
Title | Organization | Description | Contact |
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) | MnGeo | Performed updates to and tests of Minnesota's portion of the NHD. NHD is the United States Geological Survey’s digital representation of the nation's surface water features such as lakes, rivers and streams that are networked together for display, analysis and planning purposes. | MnGeo |
Cultural Corridors | MnGeo | Created maps of river courses used by Indian Tribes for travel (cultural corridors) | MnGeo |
Various State Flood Emergencies | MnGeo | Prepared river gage, inundation and county emergency remediation maps and participated in real-time GIS-related monitoring of state flooding events at the State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC). | MnGeo |
National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIEN) 2008 Project | MnGeo | Researched and documented the processes necessary for moving Minnesota to a single GIS hydrographic dataset for all state and federal agencies. | MnGeo |
Altered Watercourse Project | MnGeo | Digitized all visible human-modified streams of the state using NHD and various aerial imagery and data layers for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency biological monitoring and assessment activities. | MnGeo |
Buffer Mapping Project | DNR/BWSR | The GIS portion of Minnesota's buffer law is to produce and maintain a map of public waters and public ditch systems that require permanent vegetation buffers. The map is helping to guide the implementation of Minnesota's buffer law by landowners, with the help of the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), Drainage Authorities and other local governments. | Andrea Bergman |
Previous committees that worked on related issues
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