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Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council

**Member appointments are open for the Council's Fiscal Year 2026/27 Term (July 2025 - June 2027). Apply for membership at the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State's appointments website. Applications should include a resume and a cover letter indicating which representative category is preferred for membership. The application period closes Friday, March 28. However, seats will remain open for application until filled.**


The Council acts as a coordinating body for the Minnesota geospatial community. It represents a cross-section of organizations that include counties, cities, universities, business, nonprofit organizations, federal and state agencies, tribal government, surveyors and other stakeholder groups that benefit from geospatial technology.

Meeting Dates, Materials, and News

Council meetings are four times a year and all are open to the public.

Subscribe to Minnesota GIS News to be notified of upcoming meetings and other council news.

Upcoming Meetings

Virtual meetings are Online via Microsoft Teams. Hybrid meetings are Online via Microsoft Teams and in-person.

For connection or location information, contact MnGeo.

Past Meetings

Materials from past council meetings.

Committees and Workgroups

The council is supplemented and supported by committees and workgroups. Non-council members are welcome and encouraged to participate on these groups.



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