3DGeo Vegetation Workgroup

A Workgroup of the 3D Geomatics Committee
Mission and Work Plan
- Mission: The Vegetation Workgroup discusses past, current, and future remote sensing technologies and their applications to improve 4D characterization of vegetation over time. Our meetings include discussion of several data types (including but not limited to lidar, stereo satellite and aerial photography, and unmanned aerial systems), practical applications (such as forest management, habitat assessment, and conservation and restoration of Minnesota's natural resources), and strategies to maintain adequate collection and analyses of these data for our day-to-day work.
- Work Plan
Workgroup Membership
- Luke Spaete, Research Analysis Specialist Sr, DNR Division of Forestry, Resource Assessment, 218-322-2506, lucas.spaete@state.mn.us
- Jennifer Corcoran, Remote Sensing Program Consultant, DNR Division of Forestry, Resource Assessment, 651-259-5898, jennifer.corcoran@state.mn.us
Workgroup Members
Name | Organization | |
Jim Berdeen | DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife | jim.berdeen@state.mn.us |
Jennifer Corcoran | DNR Division of Forestry | jennifer.corcoran@state.mn.us |
Ram Deo | DNR Division of Forestry | ram.deo@state.mn.us |
John Dupliss | Natural Resources Research Institute | jdupliss@d.umn.edu |
Eric Gdula | U.S. Forest Service | egdula@fs.fed.us |
Jim Klassen | SharedGeo | jklassen@sharedgeo.org |
Brandon Krumwiede | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | brandon.krumwiede@noaa.gov |
Becky Marty | DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources | becky.marty@state.mn.us |
Kristy Nixon | Natural Resources Research Institute | knixon@d.umn.edu |
Keith Pelletier | University of Minnesota | keith.pelletier@gmail.com |
Lucas Spaete | DNR Division of Forestry | lucas.spaete@state.mn.us |
Travis Verdegan | DNR Division of Forestry | travis.verdegan@state.mn.us |
Upcoming Meetings and Meeting Minutes
The workgroup meets on the first Tuesday of every other month at 2:00 p.m.; contact the workgroup chair for meeting details.
Upcoming Meetings
Zoom info: https://umn.zoom.us/j/449813447
- May 3, 2022: Dovetail Carbon talk - Jennifer Corcoran (MnDNR), Lucas Spaete (MnDNR), Ram Deo (MnDNR), Chris Wright (NRRI)
- July 12, 2022: Cover Type Mapping and Forest Mask - Lucas Spaete (MnDNR) and Ram Deo (MnDNR)
- September 6, 2022: Explorations in Stereo NAIP - Jennifer Corcoran (MnDNR), Keith Pellitier (UofMN), and Jim Klassen (SharedGeo)
- November 8, 2022: TBD - Eric Gdula (USFS) meeting champion
- January 3, 2023: TBD - John Zobel (UofMN) meeting champion (tentative)
Meeting Minutes
- Collaboration Space Document: To share information with other members of the 3DGeo Vegetation workgroup
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