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Outreach Committee

Committee Mission:
Promote the value and importance of the geospatial infrastructure by facilitating geospatial story telling and actively engaging public policy makers and stakeholders.

Objectives/Vision: As a committee of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council, the Outreach Committee will promote the priorities of the council. Examples of the committee's work include:

Most work will be done via email and online meetings. Face-to-face meetings will be held as needed and could be held in conjunction with one of the advisory council meetings.


Committee Structure


Subcommittees and Workgroups

Open Data Subcommittee

The mission of the Open Data Subcommittee is to promote sharing of county address, centerline, and parcel data openly and to the state for cohesive statewide data. The committee is working with counties to opt-in to sharing data. Once an agreement is reached, the data will be added to statewide feature classes available on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons.

Success Stories Workgroup

Charter, Accomplishments and Workplan

Committee meeting minutes

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