Archiving Committee
The Archiving Committee of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council is dedicated to establishing Minnesota as a national leader in geospatial data preservation. By advising the state geospatial community on best-in-class archiving practices, shaping forward-thinking policies and procedures, and fostering collaboration across sectors, the committee ensures that Minnesota's valuable geospatial data is not only preserved but leveraged to drive innovation and benefit future generations.
The committee builds on the work of previous archiving workgroups.
Committee Leadership
- Chair: Ryan Mattke, University of Minnesota Libraries,
- Vice Chair: TBD
Committee Membership
Membership: The committee desires a variety of sector representation among its members, as well as users of historical geospatial data.
Anyone interested in joining is welcome. Please email committee leadership if you are interested in joining.
Charter, Accomplishments, and Workplan
Committee Meeting Minutes
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