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Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council Committees and Subgroups

The Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council (GAC) relies on volunteers organized into committees and subgroups to advance GIS in Minnesota.

The GIS community advises the GAC on project prioritization. Committees and subgroups adopt their priorities from the community and drive progress toward completion. The GAC coordinates with MnGeo to ensure priority work is supported in the short and long term.

You do not need to be a GAC member to participate in these groups. Visit each committee webpage to learn how to get involved.

To explore each group's activities, see the associated committee quarterly reports in the Geospatial Advisory Council meeting agenda packets.

Active Committees and Related Subgroups

Active Ad-Hoc Committees

Sunset and On-Hold Committees

In order by sunset date, most recent to oldest. Includes workgroups that were not associated with a committee.

Information for Committee and Subgroup Members

The GAC Executive Leadership Team is currently working to update the below materials to align with recent and upcoming structure and reporting changes.

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