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Archiving Workgroups

The latest archiving workgroup (Archiving Imagery) was officially sunset 12/14/22. An Archiving Committee has been formed to carry on relevant parts of its work.

Multiple workgroups related to archiving have been formed at the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council, the latest of which was the Archiving Imagery Workgroup. The mission of the Archiving Imagery Workgroup was to investigate best practices for archiving imagery data and continue to build on the work of the Archiving Pilot Workgroup, the Archiving Implementation Workgroup, and the Archiving Workgroup. An Archiving Committee now exists to tend to Minnesota's geospatial data archiving needs.

Historical Geospatial Data Survey

Help us make the case for archiving geospatial data in Minnesota. The survey takes about five minutes to complete. Your ongoing input will help planning as we work toward proposing a geospatial archive for Minnesota. We appreciate your time and feedback.

Here are some initial stories!

Take the survey


Charters and Work Plans

Workgroup Leadership

Chair: Karen Majewicz, University of Minnesota, 612-626-6182,

Vice-chair: Melinda Kernik, University of Minnesota, 612-301-3932,

Meeting Agendas and Notes

Return to MnGAC Committee and Workgroup page


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