Minnesota County GIS Contacts
This table provides contact information for most of Minnesota's 87 counties; a starting point to direct questions about geospatial data and GIS technology. Although many of Minnesota’s counties implement GIS technology and distribute geospatial data, users of this resource should not assume that their specific data needs can be met through the contacts presented here.
This list depends on updates from associated jurisdictions. Please send updates to: gisinfo.mngeo@state.mn.us
Related sites
- List of county websites maintained by the State of Minnesota
- County online property maps and info
- City GIS contacts for Minnesota
- Tribal government GIS contacts for Minnesota
County Name | Contact Name | Title | Department or Office | Phone Number | GIS/Maps or Homepage | |
Aitkin | Dan Haasken | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 218-927-7391 | dhaasken@co.aitkin.mn.us | website |
Anoka | John Slusarczyk | GIS Coordinator | Transportation/GIS | 763-324-3109 | john.slusarczyk@anokacountymn.gov | website |
Becker | Nicole Hultin Tony Brahmer Sue Seifert |
E911 Coordinator; Developer/GIS Coordinator; GIS/Research Specialist |
Planning & Zoning IT IT |
218-846-7314 218-846-7230 218-846-7230 |
nicole.hultin@co.becker.mn.us tony.brahmer@co.becker.mn.us susanne.seifert@co.becker.mn.us |
website |
Beltrami | Kevin Trappe | GIS Director | GIS | 218-333-8457 | kevin.trappe@co.beltrami.mn.us | website |
Benton | Scott Zwick | GIS Coordinator | Development | 320-968-5075 | szwick@co.benton.mn.us | website |
Big Stone | Matt Anderson | IT Director | Information Technology | 320-839-6371 | matt.anderson@co.big-stone.mn.us | website |
Blue Earth | David Sieberg | Mapping & Property Records | Property & Environmental Resources | 507-304-4140 | gis@blueearthcountymn.gov | website |
Brown | Nate Beran | IT Director | IT | 507-233-6631 | nate.beran@browncountymn.gov | website |
Carlton | Jared Hovi | GIS Coordinator | Land | 218-384-9502 | GIS@carltoncountymn.gov | website |
Carver | Chad Riley | Development & GIS Supervisor | GIS | 952-361-1937 | criley@carvercountymn.gov | website |
Cass | Jessica Watts | GIS Tech Support Specialist | IT | 218-547-7380 | jess.watts@casscountymn.gov | website |
Chippewa | Scott Williams | Director | Land and Resource Management | 320-269-6231 | swilliams@co.chippewa.mn.us | website |
Chisago | Beth Wulf | GIS Analyst | Enterprise Services/GIS | 651-213-8213 | Beth.Wulf@chisagocountymn.gov | website |
Clay | Mark Sloan | IS Director | Information Services | 218-299-5003 | gis@claycountymn.gov | website |
Clearwater | Stuart Lien | IT/GIS Director | IT/GIS | 218-694-3633 | stuart.lien@clearwatercountymn.gov | website |
Cook | Kyle Oberg | GIS Analyst | GIS/MIS | 218-387-3663 | kyle.oberg@co.cook.mn.us |
website maps/GIS portal |
Cottonwood | Kelly Smith | Director of Information Systems | Information Systems | 507-832-8847 | kelly.smith@co.cottonwood.mn.us | county website |
Crow Wing | Nate Rose | GIS Coordinator | IT-GIS | 218-824-1106 | nate.rose@crowwing.us | website |
Dakota | Joe Sapletal | GIS Manager | GIS | 952-891-7096 | joe.sapletal@co.dakota.mn.us | website |
Dodge | Bryan Byholm | Goodhue/Dodge County GIS Systems Specialist | Land Records | 651-385-3193 | bryan.byholm@co.goodhue.mn.us | website |
Douglas | Patrick Veraguth Katie Reitter |
County Surveyor GIS Coordinator |
Public Works | 320-762-2933 | gishelp@co.douglas.mn.us | website |
Faribault | Brandee Douglas | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 507-526-2388 | brandee.douglas@co.faribault.mn.us | website |
Fillmore | TBD | GIS Coordinator | GIS | website | ||
Freeborn | Tim Fulton | GIS Coordinator | IT | 507-377-5145 | tim.fulton@co.freeborn.mn.us |
online map county website |
Goodhue | Alan Laumeyer | GIS Specialist | GIS | 651-385-3094 | alan.laumeyer@goodhuecountymn.gov | website |
Grant | Greg Lillemon | Director | Emergency Management | 218-685-8224 | greg.lillemon@co.grant.mn.us | county website |
Hennepin | Jesse Reinhardt | GIS and Community Connectivity Manager | IT/GIS | 612-596-9058 | jesse.reinhardt@hennepin.us | website |
Houston | Eric Schmitt Mark Olson |
County Surveyor Emergency Management Director |
Surveyor's Office Sheriff's Office |
507-725-5814 507-725-5834 |
eric.schmitt@co.houston.mn.us mark.olson@co.houston.mn.us |
county website |
Hubbard | Jack Bovee Edward Schoon |
GIS Supervisor GIS Specialist |
Environmental Services | 218-732-3890 | gis@co.hubbard.mn.us | website |
Isanti | Nate Kirkwold | GIS Manager | Administrative Services Division | 763-689-8243 | nate.kirkwold@co.isanti.mn.us |
website GIS hub |
Itasca | Jeff Braaten | GIS Analyst | Surveying and Mapping | 218-327-7388 | jeff.braaten@co.itasca.mn.us | website |
Jackson | Jared Baloun | GIS Technician | Highway/Engineering | 507-849-7253 | jared.baloun@co.jackson.mn.us | Public Works |
Kanabec | Ryan Carda | GIS Technician | Public Works | 320-679-6456 | ryan.carda@co.kanabec.mn.us | county website |
Kandiyohi | Matt Runke | County Surveyor | Surveyor's Office | 320-441-2495 | matt.runke@kcmn.us | website |
Kittson | Jennifer Koskela | Chief Deputy Assessor | County Assessor | 218-843-3615 | jkoskela@co.kittson.mn.us | online maps county website |
Koochiching | Mary-Jean Becker | GIS Technician | Information Systems | 218-283-1172 | maryjean.becker@co.koochiching.mn.us | website |
Lac qui Parle | Jake Sieg | Coordinator | Lac qui Parle – Yellow Bank Watershed District | 320-598-3319 | gis@lqpco.com | website |
Lake | Amy Lewis | GIS Analyst | Information Technology | 218-834-8433 | gis@co.lake.mn.us | website |
Lake of the Woods | Eric Solo | GIS/IT Specialist | MIS/GIS | 218-634-4517 | eric_s@co.lake-of-the-woods.mn.us | website |
Le Sueur | George Phillips | GIS Technician | GIS | 507-357-8578 | gphillips@co.le-sueur.mn.us | website |
Lincoln | Brad Leibfried | Assessor | 507-694-1441 | bleibfried@co.lincoln.mn.us | website | |
Lyon | Mark Volz | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 507-532-8218 | markvolz@co.lyon.mn.us | website |
Mahnomen | Cindy Large | Certified Appraiser | Assessor's Office | 218-935-2417 | cindy.large@co.mahnomen.mn.us | county website |
Marshall | Liz Dustin | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 218-745-4851 | liz.dustin@co.marshall.mn.us | county website |
Martin | Mike Forstner | Drainage System Manager | Drainage Administration | 507-238-3130 | michael.forstner@co.martin.mn.us | website |
McLeod | Christy Christensen | GIS Director | GIS | 320-484-4375 | christy.christensen@co.mcleod.mn.us | website |
Meeker | Teresa Lieser | GIS Coordinator | Planning & Zoning | 320-693-1718 | teresa.lieser@co.meeker.mn.us | county website |
Mille Lacs | Brandon Reinking | GIS Specialist | Zoning Office | 320-983-8338 | brandon.reinking@millelacs.mn.gov | website |
Morrison | Brad Bolton | GIS Coordinator | Land Services | 320-631-0834 | bradb@co.morrison.mn.us | website |
Mower | Eric Miller | GIS Administrator | Information Technology | 507-437-9584 | ericm@co.mower.mn.us | website |
Murray | Jason Lohrenz Grant Fischer |
IT Supervisor; GIS Technician |
IT/GIS Services | 507-836-6023 507-836-1168 |
jlohrenz@co.murray.mn.us gfischer@co.murray.mn.us |
website |
Nicollet | David Runck | GIS Services | 507-934-7192 | david.runck@co.nicollet.mn.us | website | |
Nobles | Katie Purdham | GIS Coordinator | Information Systems | 507-295-5300 | kpurdham@co.nobles.mn.us |
county website interactive map |
Norman | Marti Sip | County Assessor | Assessor | 218-784-5487 | marti.sip@co.norman.mn.us | website |
Olmsted | Jan Chezick | GIS Manager | Public Works | 507-328-7141 | janice.chezick@olmstedcounty.gov | website |
Otter Tail | George Meyer | GIS Lead Developer | GIS | 218-998-8313 | gmeyer@co.ottertail.mn.us | website |
Pennington | Mike Flaagan | County Engineer | Highway | 218-683-7017 | mlflaagan@co.pennington.mn.us | county website |
Pine | Kelly Schroeder | Land Service Director | 320-591-1668 | kelly.schroeder@co.pine.mn.us |
maps online property info |
Pipestone | Kyle Krier | Enviromental Administrator | Conservation and Zoning | 507-825-1185 | kyle.krier@pcmn.us | land records hub |
Polk | Steve Moe | GIS Coordinator | Public Works | 218-521-7759 | gis@co.polk.mn.us | website |
Pope | Bryan Gates | IT Director | IT | 320-634-7786 | bryan.gates@co.pope.mn.us | website |
Ramsey | Matt Koukol | Business Solutions Manager | Information Services | 651-266-3463 | matt.koukol@co.ramsey.mn.us | website |
Red Lake | Shelly Nelson | County Assessor | Assessor | 218-253-2596 | manelson@co.red-lake.mn.us | website |
Redwood | Christopher Burchfield | GIS Specialist | Environmental | 507-637-1160 | chris_b@co.redwood.mn.us | website |
Renville | Kyle Schlomann | IT Coordinator | IT | 320-523-3803 | kyles@renvillecountymn.com | website |
Rice | Michelle Trager | GIS Coordinator | Assessor | 507-332-5950 | michelle.trager@ricecountymn.gov | website |
Rock | Arlyn Gehrke | Land Management | 507-283-8862 | arlyn.gehrke@co.rock.mn.us |
mapping site county website |
Roseau | Chris Stauffer | Technology Administrator | Information Technology | 218-463-4247 | chris.stauffer@co.roseau.mn.us |
IT site online atlas |
St. Louis | David Yapel | GIS Manager | Planning/Enterprise GIS | 218-725-5017 | yapeld@stlouiscountymn.gov | website |
Scott | Tony Monsour | GIS Analyst | GIS | 952-496-8711 | tmonsour@co.scott.mn.us | website |
Sherburne | Brett Forbes | GIS Coordinator | Public Works | 763-765-3311 | brett.forbes@co.sherburne.mn.us | website |
Sibley | Jesse Lutterman | GIS Coordinator | Technology | 507-237-4046 | JesseLutterman@sibleycounty.gov | website |
Stearns | Daniel Schmitz | GIS Manager | Property Services | 320-654-4689 | daniel.schmitz@stearnscountymn.gov | website |
Steele | Nick Flatgard Ali Ellingson |
GIS Coordinator GIS Technician |
GIS | 507-444-7489 507-444-7486 |
gisdept@co.steele.mn.us | website |
Stevens | Caitlin Christenson | GIS Specialist | GIS | 320-208-6578 | caitlinchristenson@co.stevens.mn.us | website |
Swift | Chelsey Bagent | GIS Coordinator | Land Records | 320-314-8366 | chelsey.bagent@co.swift.mn.us | website |
Todd | TBD | gis@co.todd.mn.us | website | |||
Traverse | Kit Johnson | Auditor-Treasurer | Auditor/Treasurer | 320-422-7740 | kit.johnson@co.traverse.mn.us | website |
Wabasha | Shawn Gertken | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 651-565-5164 | sgertken@co.wabasha.mn.us | website |
Wadena | Gina Dahms | GIS Coordinator | GIS | 218-631-7643 | gina.dahms@wcmn.us | website |
Waseca | Christopher Dieker | Deputy IT Director | IT | 507-835-0638 | christopher.dieker@wasecacounty.gov | website |
Washington | David Brandt | Geospatial Systems Architect | GIS Support Division | 651-430-6451 | david.brandt@co.washington.mn.us |
Survey/LandMgmt site county maps |
Watonwan | Mike True | GIS Specialist | Information Technology | 507-375-2539 | mike.true@co.watonwan.mn.us |
Envi/Zoning site Public Works site |
Wilkin | Michelle Snobl | County Assessor | Assessor | 218-643-7162 | msnobl@co.wilkin.mn.us | website |
Winona | Zachary Kosel | GIS Analyst | GIS | 507-457-6518 |
gishelp@co.winona.mn.us zkosel@co.winona.mn.us |
website |
Wright | Larkin Walter | GIS Analyst | Surveyor/GIS Mapping | 763-684-2390 | larkin.walter@co.wright.mn.us | website |
Yellow Medicine | Dennis Pederson | IT Director | IT Department | 320-313-3024 | dennis.pederson@co.ym.mn.gov |
online mapping comp plan maps IT Dept. site |
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