K-12 Committee 
The GIS in K-12 Committee (K-12 Committee) of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council serves to expose Minnesota school-aged youth to GIS technology, inspire future GIS users and creators, and enhance the educational experience for students and teachers in the K-12 system.
Committee Leadership
- Shana Crosson, U-Spatial, scrosson@umn.edu
- Terry Larson, Esri, tlarson@esri.com
Committee Membership
- Membership: Anyone interested in being part of this committee is welcome. Please email committee leadership if you are interested in joining.
- Larkin Walter, Wright County
- Dennis Tumberg, Chanhassen
- Travis Ormsby, Esri, Former Teacher
- Lindsey Savage, Minnesota Department of Transportation
- Mary Marek-Spartz, University of Minnesota
- Jeff Bloomquist, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Jill Amundson, West Central Initiative
- Garet Madison, Nicollet County
In addition to committee leadership, current members include:
Charter, Accomplishments, and Workplan
- K-12 Committee Charter
- The K-12 Committee is in its early stages - see the charter for first year plans.
Committee Meeting Minutes
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