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Criminal Justice Information Services Workgroup

This workgroup was officially sunset 12/14/22.

The mission of the Criminal Justice Information Services Workgroup of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council was to provide best practices based on CJIS information sharing rules for connecting law enforcement and other CJIS-regulated data to GIS systems for analysis and sharing. The best practices guide was approved by the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council at its 12/14/22 meeting.

Objectives, Deliverables and Charter

  1. Discern CJIS-compliant best practices for sharing data within the GIS community, perhaps specifically as it relates to Emergency Management or critical incidents and infrastructure
  2. Create a data standard and/or best practices guide for statewide use across the GIS community
  3. Use these principles to inform future projects, specifically the upcoming projects around statewide, publicly available authoritative geospatial data for businesses with state-required licenses, permits, or registrations and summary data by region for property crimes in an accessible GIS format

Workgroup Leadership

Chair: Britta Maddox, Anoka County, 763-367-0058 (cell),

Vice-chair: Cory Richter, Ramsey County, 651-266-7196,


Meeting Agendas and Notes

Return to MnGAC Committee and Workgroup page


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