Metadata Workgroup

This workgroup was officially sunset 3/22/17: Final report
The Standards Committee formed a Metadata Workgroup whose purpose was to:
- Recommend methods for creating and editing metadata that are compatible with ArcGIS 10
- Recommend a metadata format for web services
- Recommend changes to the Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines by
evaluating new international standards
Charter, Project Plan, Activities
- Status reports
- March 2016 (p. 7)
- Nov. 2012
- Activities:
- Support the use of metadata in the
Minnesota Geospatial Commons
- Make changes as needed to the standalone
Minnesota Metadata Editor (MME)
The workgroup customized the EPA Metadata Editor v.3.1.1 to match the Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines (MGMG1.2), and created Producing ArcCatalog 10 Metadata for the Minnesota Geospatial Commons.
- On-hold: Finalize a draft crosswalk between MGMG1.2 and the North American Profile of the
international metadata standard. Most elements
translate smoothly; however, the workgroup flagged a number of issues
that needed to be resolved before it could recommend an updated version of MGMG for public review.
The issues included which elements are needed to describe a web service.
- Support the use of metadata in the
Minnesota Geospatial Commons
- Metadata Workgroup Charter,
4/29/11 (5 p., 115K, PDF)
Described why the project was needed, the goals and deliverables, and who was involved with the workgroup.
- Project Plan,
5/13/11 (5 p. 384K, PDF)
Meeting Agendas and Notes
Related Links
Minnesota Metadata Editor (MME)
- ArcGIS 10 metadata:
- Minnesota Geographic
Metadata Guidelines (MGMG), v. 1.2
- National and international geospatial metadata standards:
- Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), a U.S. federal metadata standard
- North American Profile (NAP), a U.S. and Canadian profile of the
International Metadata Standard (ISO19115)
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