An explanation of the fidelity of relationships in the data set and tests used.
This element is used to provide an
overview of the types of tests that were performed to determine data integrity
(consistency of features in the data set, as opposed to attributes or overall
positional accuracy).
Some examples of tests:
Tests of Valid Values
Tests for permissible values may be applied to any data structure.
Such a test can detect gross blunders, but it does not ensure all
aspects of logical consistency.
General Tests for Graphic Data
A database containing lines may be subjected to the following general
Do lines intersect only where intended?
Are any lines entered twice?
Are all areas completely described?
Are there any overshoots or undershoots?
Are any polygons too small, or any lines too close?
Different tests may be applied to address these questions.
The report should contain a description of tests applied or a reference
to software used.
The report should state whether inconsistencies were corrected or
detail the remaining errors.
Specific Topological Tests
Logical consistency may be reported as "Topologically Clean"
if an automated procedure concludes:
All chains intersect at nodes (report tolerance used).
Chains and nodes are consistent around polygons or
Inner rings embed consistently in enclosing polygons.
The quality report shall identify the software (name and version) used
to verify these conditions.
Date of Test
Any report should include testing date(s). If corrections/modifications occur after the
tests, the report should indicate how the new information was checked for logical