Gerry Sjerven

Gerry Sjerven is a Senior GIS Analyst with Minnesota Power. Prior to joining MN Power, Gerry was a GIS Specialist at the Natural Resources Research Institute at the University of Minnesota - Duluth from 1996-2012. Prior to joining NRRI, Gerry worked at the Land Management Information Center (now MnGeo) for six years. He served on the Minnesota Governor's Council on GIS from 2007-09 and is currently a co-chair for the 3D Geomatics Committee of the Geospatial Advisory Council. He has been involved with the MN GIS/LIS Consortium since 1997, including serving as the conference chair in 2001 and 2015, and board chair in 2018. Since 1996, he has been part of the Northern MN GIS/LIS User Group representing Northeastern Minnesota.
Contact Information
Environmental ServicesALLETE, Inc.
30 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802